Fisacon - Safe Charging, Safe Kitchen

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+49 5242 5505888


  • Non-flammable case
  • Extinguishes extremely fast
  • Ultra-light weight
  • Very simple handling
  • Explosion proof
  • Free from propellants and aerosols
  • Not hazardous to health
  • Safe to use in enclosed spaces
  • Extinguishing agent is washable
  • Environmentally friendly and biodegradable

Rechargeable batteries and their chargers are placed into and plugged in within the box. The door is secured using the pivoted handle and the external power supply is turned on. The electronic system now monitors the charging process, the rechargeable battery status and the condition of the interior space.

If the monitoring sensors detect an increase in temperature or the presence of flue gas, the system immediately initiates visual and audible alarms.

When there is an active connection to a WLAN network, another message is sent to the in-house alarm system. At the same time, a nozzle sprays the environmentally friendly extinguishing and cooling agent onto the batteries. Simultaneously, the box and the flue gas management system are cooled down. This eliminates the possibility of igniting the surroundings.